Happy New Year! Are you ready to set new goals? In this blog I will show you how to use your Passion Planner to set goals and achieve them.
How to Set Goals.
Let’s start with how to set goals. I set my goals using the SMART technique. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. So make sure your goal’s are clear and specific, that you can measure them, that they are actually achievable, that they are relevant to your life now (and not something you wanted to do a few years ago) and that you have a time limit in which you expect to achieve your goals.
Here is an example of a smart goal:
- This month I will save $100.00 from not ordering any takeaways.
Read our blog about ‘how to set goals in your planner’ if you do not have a Passion Planner here.
Passion Planner Roadmap
You can download your own Passion Planner Roadmap for FREE here.
Start by writing your big objectives or goals in your passion planner roadmap. Big goals are important but you also need to break them down. Think of it as climbing one mountain and then another instead of climbing them both at the same time. Here is an example –
My big goal –
- To own a house in 2022
My smaller goals –
- Find out how I can get a mortgage.
- Research the housing market.
- Find a solicitor.
By breaking down my big goal, I have small steps I can take that will actually help me achieve it. Your Passion Planner Roadmap can help you get all of your dreams and goals from your brain onto paper.
The Game Changer
Now that you have dreamed big with your roadmap it is time to break down your goals like I have shown you above.
Take some of your biggest goals and break them down into small steps so that you have a manageable way in which you can achieve them. Once you have your small steps take some time to work on deadlines. How much time will you give yourself to achieve each step? Are some time sensitive? Make sure you write all of this down.
For Example –
- Find out how I can get a Mortgage (deadline – March)
- Research the Housing Market (deadline – February)
- Find a Solicitor (deadline – September)
Now I have a better idea of what needs to be done when.
Monthly Layouts
With your big goals set and smaller steps figured out, it is time to fit them into your busy life! Let’s get cracking. The monthly layout in your Passion Planner is so handy, it allows you to look at the big to-do’s for your entire month. Every monthly layout has a space for you to write down your personal and work to-do’s. Take your small steps and work them into these areas. Remember that you have already identified deadlines which should help you slot them into months and not overload yourself.
Planning and looking ahead allows you to look at how far you have come and still have to go. It allows you to regularly check in with your goals so that you can really achieve them. As you go along you might find some of the steps redundant, that is fine, leave them out or replace them with steps that would be more valuable.

Weekly Layouts
Now we are down to where the real work begins. Migrate your monthly steps into your weekly layouts. Make it a habit to check your weekly layout regularly. This allows you to keep checking in on your steps and move along with your goals. Before you know it you will be a home owner (ok that is my goal but you get the picture!).

The Passion Planner really allows you to explore your passions and goals. Blow them up and then break them down so that you can actually achieve them and live a life of passion. The planner is designed to help you see results so if you are someone who thrives off achieving goals, this is definitely the planner for you.
Pick your Passion Planner here or browse their free downloadable’s here.
Will you be using a Passion Planner to set your goals this year? Let us know in the comments below.
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