Whether you’re just starting out with gratitude, or you’re a long-time practitioner, these 100 daily gratitude journal prompts will help you focus on the good in your life. Whether it’s a simple moment of happiness or something bigger that’s been happening lately, writing down your thoughts and feelings about these things will help you feel better both mentally and emotionally. So why not give it a go today? You may be surprised at how grateful you suddenly become for the little things in your life with these wonderful gratitude journal prompts.
It’s easy to overlook the little things in our lives, but taking the time each day to be grateful can have a big impact on our happiness and well-being. Whether you’re struggling with a difficult situation or just enjoying your free time, these 100 Daily Gratitude journal prompts can help you start feeling more grateful every day. So grab a pen, paper, or smartphone, and start journaling away!

A journaling prompt is a prompt for people to write in their journals about what they are experiencing.
They can be anything from general prompts to specific topics. today’s journal prompt:
What was your best physical or mental job?
When I was younger, I loved being a cashier. It was my favourite job because it allowed me to interact with people and make them happy. Plus, the money was always good! My second favourite job was working at an adoption agency as a social worker. I loved helping families find their new homes and making sure they were taken care of while they were waiting.
So read on to find a list of daily gratitude journal prompts to get you started, I also have a PDF printable gratitude prompt list below if you prefer the printing version. It’s a 100 day graitude challenge printable with a journal entry page template also
100+ Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts
Here are 100+ Daily Gratitude journal prompts
- Who are you grateful for in your life?
- Who has helped you recently? How did they help you?
- What kind gestures have you received recently? (For example, someone opens the door for you.)
- Is there anyone you have met recently and enjoyed their company?
- Who inspires you? (Perhaps someone who inspires you to do what you do)
- Who is someone around you that you couldn’t live without
- What is something about your family that makes them the best in the world?
- Open the door or window and look outside. What’s something you’re grateful for outside?
- What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of?
- What’s a possession that makes your life easier?
- Open your phone or photo album and find a photo that you like. Why are you grateful for this photo? What are you grateful for in the photo?
- What have you been given that you’re grateful for?
- Open the door or window and look outside. What’s something you’re grateful for outside?
- What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of?
- What’s a possession that makes your life easier?
- What have you been given that you’re grateful for?
- Why are you thankful for today?
- How did you turn a negative moment or time into a positive one?
- What is a positive trait of one of your coworkers? How does that make them special?
- What is your favorite creative outlet? How can it improve your mood?
- What is a family tradition that you value? Why?
- What does the quote, “if opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door,” by Milton Berle mean? How is it inspirational?
- How has your favorite movie changed your life?
- What about your favorite book inspires you?
- If you needed to smile, what would you do? Why?
- What is one goal you think everyone should aspire to achieve? Why?
- When and where was the last time you felt totally at peace? How could you recreate it?
- What positive memory does your favorite smell invoke?
- How are you able to help others?
- What public service or organization are you grateful for (i.e. the library or fire department)?
- What book(s) are you grateful for?
- What piece of clothing or furniture are you grateful for?
- Write about a friend that you’re grateful for.
- Write about a teacher or mentor that you’re grateful for.
- What’s something that you’re looking forward to?
- What’s a simple pleasure that you’re grateful for?
- What’s something that you’re grateful to have today that you didn’t have a year ago?
- Write about a happy memory.
- What’s something that you’re looking forward to?
- What’s a simple pleasure that you’re grateful for?
- What’s something that you’re grateful to have today that you didn’t have a year ago?
- Write about a happy memory.
- Think of 5 people that irritate you or you have trouble getting along with. What irritates you most about them? Now list 3 positive notes or qualities about each person.
- What were your 3 best days? Write a small paragraph about each day.
- What were your worst three days? Write a small paragraph about each day and think how much better off you are now.
- Write the top 10 things in your life that cause you stress. For each stress factor, write what you can do to change it.
- Think about the worst period you went through in your life and list 10 ways life is better now than it was then.
- What are irritations in your life that could use a change in perspective? Can you take less seriously, find humor in? How can that change have a positive effect on your life?
- List something good that has recently caught your attention to make you realize how fortunate you are.
- Use your five senses. What do you see, hear, smell, touch and taste that you feel grateful for?
- What things do your country, city or neighbourhood possessed that you are grateful for?
- List three material things which you currently have that you are thankful for.
- What things have you received or given for free which you have taken for granted? (For example, the attention someone gives you.)
- Are there things which you have right now but don’t have 10 years ago?
- Can you be grateful for having money to buy the things that you desire?
- What things do you use daily that you can be more appreciative towards?
- How are you different today than a few years ago? Can you be grateful for the changes?
- What experiences do you have that you are grateful for?
- What strengths are you grateful to have?
- Are there any skills and abilities that you are thankful to have? (For example, analytical, problemsolving skills.)
- What have you learned or what information have you received that you are grateful for?
- How do your friends and family help you to become a better person?
- What states of emotions are you in right now? Can you be grateful for that? (You can be grateful for the lessons behind negative emotions too.)
- Think about life. What has it given you that you have taken granted for?
- What are the basic needs that keep you alive? (Water, sunlight, and air.)
- Are there anything in nature that keeps you in awe or you find beautiful? (For example, rain, birds chirping, butterflies.)
- How about the time and freedom to do what you love and be yourself?
- Are you grateful to be alive?
- List down any of your body parts that you are thankful for. (Perhaps you are grateful for your eyes for functioning properly.)
- . Can you be grateful for something in nature just by giving it your attention and seeing its beauty?
- What dish/food/cuisine are you most grateful for?
- List 3 memories from you’re childhood you’re thankful for
- What are your strengths?
- What small thing did I enjoy the most today?
- What are you proud of?
- Who is someone that’s helped you a lot in the last few years?
- Describe a true friend
- What’s your favourite season? How does it make you feel?
- Think about 3 things that fill your life with joy
- What makes you smile?
- What acts of kindness did you show/receive today?
- How was I amazing today?
- What made me feel alive today?
- What are your favourite hobbies?
- Name three things you love about a close friend.
- What recent positive changes happened in your life?
- Name at least one things that you did last year that you’re proud of.
- Name three people that have helped you through hard times
- What family member are you grateful for?
- What does the power of gratitude mean to you?
- Name 5 wonderful things that happened to you this month.
- When was the last time you felt happy?
- What piece of technology are you most grateful for?
- What modern inventions are you grateful for?
- Describe a smell that always makes you smile and why.
- Share a quote that speaks to your heart.
- Write about something that makes your life easier.
- What are you most grateful for this season?
- Name an item or food/meal that brings you comfort.
- Describe a time in your life when you did something scary and succeeded.
- Write about a life lesson you’ve learned.
- What is a basic skill you learned as a child that you are grateful for? (how to tie your shoes, how to read/write, how to tell time, etc.)
- Write about the highlight of your life.
- Write about your best ever festival.
- Write about your best ever birthday.
- What’s your favorite memory of your pet?
- Give thanks for your favorite food and drink.
- Describe a time you messed up badly and a loved one stuck by you anyways.
- Who can you always rely on no matter what? Write them a letter of thanks.
We hope that your life becomes more positive and joyful by following these free gratitude journal prompts. You should also note down what has happened in your life after doing this journal. Share the memorable experiences of gratitude with loved ones, friends, or a therapist who can help you deal with gratitude issues.
Are you ready to open up about your grateful moments? Then download the printable of the free gratitude journal prompts! Click here to get it now.

Alongside the gratitude journal prompts, there is afree journal template also. You can use them in your own gratitude journals as well!
From being thankful for getting to spend time with those you care about, to the money you have saved, there is so much richness and joy in such simple things that we sometimes forget they were even important until now. So, take some time and write down what has been blessing your life recently – don’t just write it out once either. atleast Write it for 12 days straight and see what happens at the end of that period.

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