Don’t know where to start your travel Journal? Feeling stuck ? Need Inspiration ?
I got your back ! Have a look at these amazing travel journal inspiration .
Travel Journal Inspiration

Travel Journal Inspiration !
Travel Journals are one of my favorite journals to record memories , plan trips , create plans , dream big etc . I always carry them even if I travel for weekends to a local area. I believe if you don’t record anything , you already missed the chance to revisit . I feel Travel Journals are like time capsule that one can flip through anytime.
It’s not always about memories only ,sometimes these pages contain valuable lessons and information that lay path for my future trips . I always get to learn something new during my travel and I love recording them in my journals .
Here I have collected few travel journal spreads to make you fire up with brilliant ideas by most amazing creators out there !
Making Lists and Itinerary – Travel Journal Inspiration
Making packing list , things to do , itinerary etc can save you from last minute work . This section is mostly included in pre-travelling journal spreads where you plan everything before you go on an actual trip.
Travel Journal Inspiration

Places to Visit
Day dreaming about places we can visit is the best thing I can think of . I can never get enough of dreaming about all these places . Imagine if you could actually write them in your journal.

Diary Entry
A very effective way to record everything you go through while travelling . Writing about how you had spent your days at vacation can serve as a time machine for your future self . This method not only works for long term vacation but is very beneficial for a short trips that might include visiting your aunt’s home , your favorite café etc . Write as if its the dream trip you could image and feel it till the core.

Do you love collaging ? Scrapbooks are one of my favorite method to practice my creative energy . Mix Matching different types of papers along with color palette totally makes a master piece .

Mention Food
Those authentic food needs a special attention in your journal for sure . Most easiest thing , I find when travelling is drawing food . Drawing food makes me feel so relaxed and they are quickest sketch on my journal . There is no better way to capture your food onto paper by drawing them.

Language Practice
Have you ever wondered what language you would use for greeting if you meet people living on the other side of the world ?
Travelling to new places gives you the leverage to learn something about languages too . So before you travel to a new country just start learning few conversation starters in a new language .
You can always start with your journal , so that you can read them out even if you forget them and your internet sucks .

Route map
For someone like me who can’t remember routes, it’s essential to have a visual route map in front of me for better understanding. As soon as the plan gets ready, I collect all possible information and start drawing my route map. This also helps me remember for future self about the routes I went through for a particular destination.

Urban Sketch Diary Entry
Are you an artist ? Do you feel you need to express and capture more?
Try urban sketching !
Quickly drawing and painting the view in front you within a set frame of time before it changes is such a fun challenge. You don’t have to be perfect in drawing nor you have to paint realistically, all you have to do is make an impression on your page .

Country Visit Memory Collage
Write the name of the country in big bold heading and paste a lot of pictures and souvenirs creating a beautiful visual diary for you to visit in future .

Attach Bills
Save your bills !
Bills are the easiest souvenir of memory you can grab. Time and location written on bills are perfect for your future self to recall old memories. I always use bills in my journals as a piece of decoration. They are only for the sake of memory but also tell you what place you went to eat or shop, what all you bought and for how much. They can also save you anytime you are stuck with shop thefts.

Attach Photographs
Who doesn’t want to attach their photographs ?They make your journal more personalized and you might not want to share it with anyone and its okay .
I was always fascinated with these polaroid photographs and insta X camera , I still use them even for the slightest moment.
You can also make an album + Travel Journal . You can save pictures along with the indication of location , you can include pictures of monuments , food , strangers , places you visited , homes you had stayed at etc .

Art Journal
Want to spice up your journal more ? Add the flavor of sketches with collage and write about your days. Take your imagination overboard and include everything you thinks feels best.

Draw Native Flowers
Are you a nature lover ?
Do you always notice the nature scenery before anything else while travelling ?
Then start drawing them! Start drawing with the flowers you are most curious about, find and ask local people more about the flowers, and try to find the stories if any. Rest you can google about the most scientific stuff but what is most crucial is what that particular flora and fauna mean to the locals and what stories they hold from ancient times.

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Travel Journal Inspiration

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