:::::::::::: Gratitude : A warm feeling of appreciation and thankfulness. ::::::::::::
Gratitude Journal Prompts

How many times do we actually stop and look at our surroundings ? Have you ever noticed yourself screaming that deep buried thank you for being alive and enjoying all plans life is presenting you ?
Gratitude Increase our hope and optimism and has power to change our lives in a very miraculous way. Sometimes we get into a habit of criticizing and expressing anger for things that didn’t go as we expected them to . Gratitude has the power to change your perspective and helps you see all the good things life is presenting to you .
Don’t worry if you are not very expressive and face difficulties while expressing your emotions. GRATITUDE JOURNALING is the best thing you can implement as a habit !
I will share some Gratitude Journal prompts that will help you express yourself more effortlessly and practice mindfulness . You can do all or you can select some , can also try every single prompt one by one and see which one suits you the best . You can practice gratitude everyday !

Gratitude Journal Prompts
- Write down one good thing that happened to you today.
- Call / Text the person whom you always wanted to thank but somehow didn’t do yet .
- What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of?
- What’s a possession that makes your life easier?
- What do you like about your job?
- Can you do better tomorrow?
- Name 5 things you are doing well currently.
- Who or what in your life are you happy to have let go?
- Think about the worst period you went through your life and list 10 ways life is better now than it was then.
- What’s one of your personality traits that you’re grateful for?
- What mistake or failure are you grateful for?
- What skill(s) do you have that you’re grateful for?
- What do you really appreciate about your life?
- Look around the room and write about everything you see that you’re grateful for.

- What are the things you are grateful for your past self?
- What’s something that you bought recently that you’re grateful for?
- What’s something that you made recently that you’re grateful for?
- Think about the qualities of the people you admire. List these qualities and how you can incorporate them in your life.
- What has been the highlight of your day today?
- What things do you own that make life easier?
- Name 3 things that have happened to you that have strengthened your character and who you are today (positive or negative events).
- List 2 struggles you experienced in life that you have overcome. What or who have helped you to overcome these trials?
- List 5 things you love about your home.
- What 3 things you love about the town, area or neighborhood you live in?
- What about nature are you grateful for?

- Write about a happy memory.
- Write about someplace you’ve been that you’re grateful for.
- What’s something about your body or health that you’re grateful for?
- Open the door or window and look outside. What’s something you’re grateful for outside?
- What opportunities are you grateful for?
- What about the current season are you grateful for?
- Food are you thankful for?
- What bit of information are you glad you know?
- Name a basic need that has been met.
- What positive changes in your personality have happened in the last year?
- How do you show gratitude for your friends?
- What small thing are you grateful happened today?
- What difficult parts of your life contain hidden blessings?
- What is something a friend or family member did today that made you grateful for them?

- Think about a time that you went out of your way to help someone.
- Write about something that cheers you up when you feel down.
- Make a list of 20 ways you are fortunate.
- What physical characteristics are you most grateful for?
- Write about pet and what makes him/her special to you .
- What book are you grateful for and why? What are the teachings?
- Do you have shelter? A warm place to sleep? Food on your table? Spend a few minutes being grateful for the necessities in life.
- What is your favorite time of day and why do you love it?
- When were you proud of yourself for getting outside of your comfort zone?
- Write down 10 things you’ve learned in the last month.
- How can you continue being more thankful?

Life is too short to whine over things that don’t matter ! Remember when you have a bad day – Just take a deep breadth and say THANK YOU for everything you have in your life .
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