Are you ready to take on 2021? In this blog we show you how to set goals in your planner.

At the start of a year we are all so optimistic. The possibilities are endless and no goal is to big. We often set huge new years resolutions which fall to the wayside by the 31st of January. Even if I set clear, measurable, do-able goals I often find myself forgetting I have set them. A planner is a great place to set goals. Why? Because you look at it every day and carry it around with you. In this blog I will give you some tips and tricks on setting goals in a planner so that hopefully this year come December you can tick every goal off.

Create a section for goals
Whether it is on the side of a page or a whole page make sure to keep a space clear for setting goals. I like to draw attention to the section with bring colours or nice text. Then whenever I am looking through my planner I find myself attracted to that space on my page. Writing them down will also help your brain begin to work on the goals and figure out subconsciously how it is going to achieve them.

Break down your goals.
Take your goals and break them down into small steps. This can help you make it to the finishing line. To break your goal down look at it at the big picture. Take that big picture and break it down into little steps. If you have a goal that is to go on holiday look at what you need to do to get there. How much you would need to save, where you would like to go, what you will wear. When it comes to breaking down a goal, you are spoilt for choice.

Set Goal Deadlines
Setting deadlines will help you achieve your goals. One of the reasons we often don’t achieve our goals is because we give ourselves to long and then we either forget about them or give up. Just like project work, goals need deadlines. When you are writing your goals think about when you would like to have achieved them but remember to be realistic. For example – I would like to learn French. It is now December and would like to achieve this by next December. Note the deadline down next to the goal so you can keep looking back. Having a deadline might make it feel more urgent which is what you want because the nature of a goal is to have an aspiration and to achieve it.

Create Check-In Times
Create times to check in on your goals. I do a mini check in every month on my goals. I look at all of the goals I have set, some are long-term and some are short-term. I asses how I am doing and how far along I have come against the deadlines I have set. If you have not met a deadline as yourself why? and if this goal is still relevant to you. I do not take very long on this but it keeps me motivated and moving along. Creating check-in times and deadlines will really help you on your way to achieving goals.

The best things about all of these things is that they can be done within the four walls of your planner. Setting your goals within you planner is the single best way to make sure you achieve them. Will you be using your planner to set your goals? Have you thought of your 2021 goals? A new year holds so much possibility and we hope it is a hugely successful one for you.
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Happy 2021 – The Planner Addict
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