Are you looking for the best doodle art supplies to enhance your drawing experience in your Bullet Journal ? In this list I will share the best Doodle supplies out there .

As a beginner you might feel overwhelmed with all those art supplies out there and spending money on all supplies is a waste . Let me help you with this blog post .
Today i will share what all supliies are out there and which one suits you the best . Remember to first identify your art style aka your doodle style and then select stationery which suits you the best .
For instance in my case , i dont use much expensive supplies . I try to stick to basic art supplies .

Doodle Art Supplies- Pencils
Pencils are a great way to start doodling especially when you are starting out . You always have a option to erase back and forth. There are so many brands out there that feature different types of pencils for different purposes. Have a look at the list below to know which suits best for you .
Colored pencil

Mechanical pencil
Graphite Pencil

Doodle Sketchbook
If you are a doodle lover you would probably want to dedicate a separate notebook or sketchbook for that matter . Let’s have a look at these different size and binding of the sketchbooks .
Doodle Spiral Sketchbook

Hard Bound Doodle journal

Artist grade Sketchbook

High Grade Artist Paper

Doodle pen
No Doubt pens play a greater role in anything you draw . There are huge variety of pens ranging from simple black gel pens to glitter and neon. There are frictions pens too that lets you erase pen INK . Isn’t that great !
Pens with varied nib sizes

Brush Pens

Black Gel pen

Colored Pen

Glitter Pens

Sketch pens



As kids we always used them because they were safe and so fun to use but have you wondered how you can use them now ? There are many doodle artist out there that use crayons as there main medium .
I hope you find this list useful .
Happy doodling !

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