I always keep my Travel Journal by side to quickly record anything I feel needs a special attention in my pages . For me travel journals are not just paper , they are memories that I can relive anytime I want to . Making a memorable Travel Journal is the best investment .
For a very long time I felt I was using my travel journals wrong but few years back I realized that there is no right or wrong way to use it .
If you are someone you don’t know what is a Travel Journal have a look at this blog : What is a Travel Journal and Why use it ? – Beginners guide Part – 01
How to Start a Memorable Travel Journal ?
Here are few tips that i want to share to get you started with memorable travel journal in a way where you feel comfortable .

Choose your favorite Journal
Choosing a planner that you love is an essential step . I always had another level of motivation when I get to work in my favorite journal. You favorite journal might have your favorite color , you might like how prefect its pages are and how it looks when you write on those pages . Feeling is the greatest secret to any creative work . So try to choose a planner that you love in every way .
For me A5 size with plain pages work perfectly . I can draw , paste , doodle , paint , splash colors and write on blank paper easily as compared to any other page like dotted or lined . I had seen many other creators who prefer dotted journals as they get pre-made grid on page which helps alot in layout of the page .
Pro tip : Never judge yourself for your choices , just select one Journal that you love in everyway and always feel ready to open every time you see it .
Gather your art supplies
I am really passionate when it comes to buying stationery and I could spend all my money on them . For me having all my art supplies near me is the starting point even before the inspiration hits.
If you are beginner and don’t want to buy bulk stationery , its alright . Just play around with basics you already own . Keep it simple and don’t forget to carry your favorite pen every time you travel with your travel Journal.
I always carry small cake paint box with 2 brushes , 2 black pen , 1 pencil with eraser , 1 ruler , 1 gluestick . I keep my travel stationery very simple and minimal . You can too make a little travel stationery kit for yourself.
Choose what , when and where to Journal
You can start journaling even before you go for an actual trip . You can plan your trip in your journal and make yourself accountable . Making a to do list , shopping list , things to pack etc can be few things to start with . You can include your pre -trip research about the places you want to visit.
I always loved writing in cafes or camps . Cafes have the vibe of slow travelling that let my creative juices flowing . I generally write about the current trip and the most memorable events and people I had met , I stick a lot of photos and stickers to make my spreads pop out .
And what about writing in airplanes and train ? I absolutely love it ! Watching nature’s beauty through window with soft music and my favorite pen and journal to pour out my feelings onto paper is the best feeling .
Mention the details of TIME
Always mention day , date and time to beat the ravels of passing time . Looking back at your journals , the first thing you would search for would be date . Try to keep your travel journal like a diary entry , it helps !
Your Future Self will always thank you !
Be Present , Observe and Feel it
It easy to get lost especially when you have million things to look at but Journaling helps you stay observant . Try to write everything you feel . For example , when I visit any local market of at a foreign place , I write about colors that where most prominent, how people were talking , how did that local water tasted etc. .
Being present in the moment automatically helps you being observant about yourself and your surroundings .
Write about People x Cultures
The most amazing thing about travelling is meeting new people and interacting with different cultures . You always get to see something new that amaze you in different ways. Writing about different people you met and what cultures you had touch is like a treasure box of words.
I always write about different people I met during travel and what cultures I admired . I write details about what rituals they follow and how they talk . I gives a lot of insight about that city /country/ region .
Use your Travel Journal as Creative outlet
Draw , paint , write , splash colors , scribble , crumble paper , paste etc. do anything you want ! Literally travel journals could be such a good outlet for creative people . I personally do this role play of an urban sketch artist and feel as if I am the best urban sketcher and make anything that is in front of me . This elevates my mind and serves as an outlet for any unopened emotions within me . At night when I am about to sleep , I write about how my day went and where did I travelled ,I start sticking stickers to layout my page for words .
Travel journal Prompts to get started

It’s Okay if you don’t know where to start ! Here I got you few prompts covered , you can start answering them in detail and you would automatically know what all you want to write in your journal and what you don’t like
- What were your expectations for this trip? Is it living up to your hopes?
- What’s your itinerary, and what have you done spontaneously?
- Describe a person you’ve met – their character and personality, their mannerisms, their appearance and clothing.
- Write about a new food or restaurant you’ve tried.
- Describe the best and worst part of your day.
- Describe a place you’ve visited. What’s the history, the atmosphere and the smells and sounds of the place?
What you can include in your Travel Journal ?

- Planning
- Memory Tracking
- Expense tracker
- Savings page
- Donation Page
- Places to visit
- Souvenir
- Photos
- Making your travel partner write
- Story Time
- Things to do on a trip
- Lessons learned during trip
- Important contacts
- Hotel and reservations
- Travel itinerary
- Travel Roadmap
- Packing list
- Doodles and sketches
- Tickets and bills
- Business cards
- Pressed flowers and leaves
- Food labels and tissue paper
- Postage stamps
- Postcards
- Unique Currency and exchange rates
I hope this Blog help you in getting started with your memorable Travel Journal journey !
Feel free to tag us on Instagram , we would love to see your creations .
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