Looking for Passion planner inspiration ?
Here I got some amazing and easy passion planner ideas to try in 2022.
Passion planners have a very unique feature; that you can customize them to a great extend unlike other planners . They give you a special blank page for all your creative outlets and enough space to plan your day. . They are the perfect mix of structured pages that give you a lot of freedom to experiment .
You can start your month or year by choosing a single theme . For me it’s usually about stickers , I love collecting and putting stickers together or you can go with the flow . Try experimenting and let yourself free from any form of restrictions .
BUY NOW : Passion Planner 2022

Passion Planner Inspiration
1.Color Code
This is my personal preferred style that works out to be super productive when it comes to allocating task to either priority or time .
Color coding makes it easier for you to grasp task quickly . You can always highlight your most important task with a specific color and urgent tasks with another specific color . Color code your entire passion planner for a month and see how it works out for you .
Here are some amazing color coded spreads to make you inspire !
Passion Planner Inspiration

Passion Planner Inspiration
2.Time Block
Putting similar task under single time band helps you increase your productivity . Instead of scattering your task over the entire day , try to put it under one time slot and get it done with them . Passion planner gives a wonderful layout for time blocking by allocating time for specific task and therefore giving you number of ways to play around with our creativity .
You can plan your entire day with the help of a passion planner with their unique feature of TIME mentioned for every day .

3.Theme based
Just like bullet journal or any other journal you get to select a specific theme for the entire month or an year . By selecting theme you save time and it becomes easier to decide what to put on your pages .
Theme can be an additional task for few people who are either starting out or are doing it for sometime. But in then end it all depends on you , whether you are comfortable with choosing a theme or keeping it without one .
Theme makes your spread stand out in the crowd and lets your creative juices flowing .
Here are some amazing theme based passion planner pages you can get inspiration from .

4.Sticker Loaded
Are you a great fan of stickers like me ?
I have a huge collection of stickers ranging from planner stickers to cool ones . Stickers are the best way to create division on your page and makes your pages flamboyant . Just pull out some red flower stickers on your black pen writings and you are already done with your layout .

If you’re looking for a way to declutter your life and streamline your process, then a minimalist style might be the right choice for you. A minimalist lifestyle is based on the idea that you should live in as few possessions as possible and focus on the things that are truly important to you. Same thing could be applied in your planner too . Including things you are using for your planner stuff that hold importance .

Don’t miss practising your calligraphy skills ! Pick up your passion planner and start experimenting with your favorite pen and style . You can write quotes to motivate yourself or a daily diary entry to keep your future self posted .
You can also create a small section as gratitude log in your planner and count your blessings .
Check Out this blog : 25+ Daily Affirmations to Improve your Mindset and Self Confidence

I hope you find the inspiration to fill your planner with new brimming ideas . Just revisit this blog incase you miss out any detail .
Don’t forget to tag us on Instagram . We would love to see your creations !
Happy Journaling !
Check out this blog : 7 Tips for Planning your Day Effectively + Example

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